SAY 2023

Swiss Architecture Yearbook 2023/24


Project selected and published in SAY Swiss Architecture Yearbook


SAY Swiss Architecture Yearbook has been published every two years since 2023. Curated by the S AM Swiss Architecture Museum and the magazine werk, bauen+wohnen.

An accompanying traveling exhibition was launched in September 2023 at the S AM Swiss Architecture Museum. It presents the contents of the book for discussion in Switzerland and abroad and fuels the debate on Switzerland’s building culture.

SAY 23 is availiable at Park Books erhältlich

Published by S AM Swiss Architecture Museum (Andreas Ruby) und werk, bauen+wohnen (Daniel Kurz) on behalf of the Swiss Architecture Foundation SAS
Editors: Daniel Kurz, Jasmin Kunst, Andreas Ruby
Design: Claudiabasel
Multilingual edition (German, French, Italian, English)

ISBN: 978-3-03860-339-9


